Business Assessment Webinar

Have you been thinking of starting a business? It takes a strong and determined will to drive through the start up phase of a business. The first two years are […]

Growing Your Business Webinar

As you develop or grow your business, new and exciting complications will pop up. Acronyms creep into your standard language. You learn to balance contracting efforts with financial stability. The […]

Business Marketing Webinar

Marketing starts with research. The government, especially the federal government, is big (really big) and complicated. Successful businesses find their focus through researching who buys their products and services, how […]

Understanding Small Business Certifications

Daucey Brewington will walk you through understanding the various certifications available. He will provide an overview of the purpose, process, relevance, and rewards these programs offer to small businesses. You […]


Applying for Small Business Certifications

Daucey Brewington will discuss the details of applying for federal certifications beneficial to small businesses in government contracting. He will discuss what information is required by applicants. He will also […]


Understanding Financial Statements


Cash flow can be the hardest stepping stone to run a business. Ask a successful business owner how they manage, and they will tell you, by monitoring their finances regularly. […]


Is it Overhead or G & A


Budgeting and bookkeeping, these tasks are a necessary skill all businesses MUST have in order to successfully run and grow. one of the tricky areas is categorizing your expenses. You […]


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